“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

MT 28:19-28


“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: “Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.” CCC, 1213


At St. Andrew, baptisms generally occur on the 1st Saturday of each month. For more information about Batism at St. Andrew the Apostle, please contact the following individuals.

Wade & Heather Stults at (970) 630-4712

Luke & Rachel Cure at (970) 286-8437


At St. John, baptisms generally occur on the 4th Saturday of the month or by appointment. For more information about Baptism at St. John the Evangelist, please contact the following individuals.

For assistance in English, please contact Angela Oestman at (720) 474-3149

For assistance in Spanish, please contact Leticia Dinorin at (970) 630-7841


Role of the Parent

Parents are the primary teachers of their children; therefore, it is essential that the parents requesting baptism be practicing the Catholic Faith. They should be taking every opportunity to grow in knowledge and understanding so that they can give right guidance to their children.

Role of the Sponsor/Godparent

The following is taken from the General Introduction of the Rite of Christian Initiation, paragraphs 8-10:

It is a very ancient custom of the Church that an adult is not admitted to baptism without a godparent, a member of the Christian community who will assist him at least in the final preparation for baptism and after baptism will help him persevere in the faith and in his life as a Christian.

In the baptism of children too, the godparent should be present to be added spiritually to the immediate family of the one to be baptized and to represent Mother Church. As occasion offers, he will be ready to help the parents bring up their child to profess the faith and to show this by living it.

At least in the final rites of the catechumenate and in the actual celebration of baptism, the godparent is present to testify to the faith of the adult candidate or, together with the parents, to profess the Church’s faith, in which the child is being baptized.

Pastors of souls should therefore see to it that the godparent, chosen by the catechumen or by the family, is qualified to carry out his proper liturgical functions as specified in no. 9 above. The godparent should:

  • be mature enough to undertake this responsibility,
  • have received the three sacraments of initiation, baptism, confirmation, and the eucharist;
  • be a member of the Catholic Church, canonically free to carry out this office. A baptized and believing Christian from a separated church or community may act as a godparent or Christian witness along with a Catholic godparent, at the request of the parents and in accordance with the norms for various ecumenical cases.

Requirements of the Sponsor/Godparent

There may be one or two sponsors. When there are two sponsors, one must be male (godfather) and the other must be female (godmother). One sponsor must be Catholic.

Requirements for the Catholic Sponsor/Godparent

  • At least sixteen years old
  • Fully Initiated in the Catholic Church – baptized and confirmed and received the Eucharist; frequents the sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Living an upright life
  • No penalties (e.g., left the Church, etc.). Therefore, a Catholic who has left the Catholic Church cannot be a sponsor if they’ve join another Christian church other than Catholic.
  • Cannot be either parent.

Learn More

The first of the seven sacraments, and the “door” which gives access to the other sacraments. Baptism is the first and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins because it unites us with Christ, who died for our sins and rose for our justification. Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist constitute the “sacraments of initiation” by which a believer receives the remission of original and personal sin, begins a new life in Christ and the Holy Spirit, and is incorporated into the Church, the Body of Christ.