“The Christian family loudly proclaims both the present virtues of the Kingdom of God and the hope of a blessed life to come.” – Lumen Gentium

St. John | Adult Faith Formation

All adults in the parish are invited to join us for multiple opportunities to learn and grow in our Catholic faith.



RCIA for St. John the Evangelist is combined with the RCIA program at St. Andrew the Apostle. RCIA is not just for those planning to enter fully into the Catholic Church. It is for anyone that has questions about the faith. The group meets twice a month.

For more information, contact:

Jared Woodside | 970-630-5248
Luke Oestman | 720-988-7278

Spanish Bible Study

Spanish Bible Study

The Adult Spanish Bible Study is provided by GEM.

For more information, contact Celes Hermosillo at 970-630-7649 or Glenda Escobar at 970-584-6575.